Negotiating within and with the European Union: European economic diplomacy

  • Formation continue

This programme allows participants to grasp the complexity and the distinctiveness of negotiation processes taking place within and with the European Union.
Negotiating within and with the European Union European economic diplomacy | PIC 2024
Crédit image | ©Institut national du service public (INSP)

The European Union is a product of negotiation. Its multi-layer and multi-player policy-making labyrinth is also a constant negotiation process taking place at different levels and involving a variety of actors. The specificity of the EU governance structure puts forward the purpose of reaching agreement on the realization of a common interest where conflicting interests are present. The European project is therefore a never-ending process of reconciling undeniable diversity with equally undeniable common aspirations. Many aspects of the Union’s external, trade and economic relations are managed through negotiations. Negotiating effectively within and with the EU therefore requires deep understanding of the complexities and distinctiveness of negotiation processes taking place at the European scene and available instruments. It also requires a capacity to balance power leverage with political and diplomatic acumen.

Main goals

  • Titre
    Gain knowledge in the field of European negotiations

    Understand the specificities of the European Union negotiation and roles of different institutional and non-institutional actors.
    Develop knowledge about the EU policymaking in areas that have an impact on countries outside of the European Union.

  • Titre
    Become experienced on the European Economic Diplomacy

    Gain awareness about the EU’s economic diplomacy.

  • Titre
    Develop your skills on negotiations

    Gain practice-oriented understanding of the distinctiveness of European Union decision-making process.
    Developed strategies and tactics for effective negotiations and influence strategies.


    • Political and technical negotiation dynamics within the EU
    • Negotiation of free trade agreements and relations with EU’s economic partners
    • Ecological transition and its impact on economic operators at different levels
    • Soft skills: complex negotiations and persuasion
    • EU’s enlargement policy, methodology, current state of play and future perspectives
    • Negotiating with and then within the EU

Target audience


Civil servants, administrators, private sector representatives, agents specialized in the field of European affairs in the EU Member States, candidate and third countries.

Practical information

  • Dates | September 24th to September 27th, 2024
  • Teaching language | English
  • Format | On-site
  • Venue INSP, 2, avenue de l’Observatoire, 75006 Paris
  • Tuition fees | €1470 for candidates without a French government grant (to be paid in advance by bank transfer).

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Date de création de la révision
16 février 2024

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