Leadership and management: transforming public administrations

The aim of this program is to develop managers' interpersonal and operational skills, empowering them to become true leaders of change.

28 mars 2025
Crédit image | ©Institut national du service public (INSP)

Organized with the Direction générale de l'administration et de la fonction publique (DGAFP). 

The complex nature of public-sector organizations, as well as socio-economic and technological transformations and upheavals, represent a great challenge for managers. Managers today must be strategists  capable of dealing with diverse situations in a multidimensional environment. The issues of ecological transition and digital transformation require necessary adaptations that must be collectively managed and supported.

Cooperation and collaboration among team members, adaptability to change, managing IT tools and effective communication are the keys to the smooth running of a department. Managers should also focus on collective intelligence and the need to collaborate. However, this can only be achieved if they are able to support and guide teams with precise objectives, while also considering the human dimension.

Practical information and registration

Length | 5 days
Teaching language | English
Dates | September 22 to 26, 2025
Format of training | On-site
Level | Reinforcement
Venue | INSP, 2, avenue de l’Observatoire, 75006 Paris
Tuition fees | €1,470 for candidates without a French government grant

Target audience 

Senior civil servants from central administrations, decentralised services and local authorities, project managers leading transformation projects.

This training, like all programs in our catalog of international short programs (Pic), is intended for executives affiliated with foreign (non-French) institutions. For more information, please refer to our registration procedures.


This training requires no educational prerequisites and is based on a voluntary approach

Trainers’ profiles

Senior civil servants from the Directorate general for administration and the civil service (DGAFP), the Interministerial directorate for public transformation (DITP), the Interdepartmental digital affairs directorate (DINUM), and their partners, experts in management and leadership.

Training objectives

  • Management
    Manage a team and enhance cooperation among stakeholders
  • Leadership
    Develop a structured vision and improve leadership skills
  • Transformation and innovation
    Adapt to new challenges and work environments, drive change, and implement effective solutions
  • Human resources (HR)
    Optimise team management by considering one’s employees’ well-being and career goals


  • Understand French and international frameworks to lead public transformation

    • Share national and individual contexts regarding public transformation
    • Discover French civil service transformation policies and its tools
    • Understand global perspectives for public leadership (OECD vision)
  • Mobilise a team and establish objectives

    • Assert leadership and decision-making
    • Understand different managerial approaches
    • Build an effective strategy for managing different stakeholders
  • Create a supportive and positive environment for innovation

    • Learn how to attract, engage and empower the right talent
    • Leverage start-ups’ agility to drive more impactful public policies
    • Interact with peers to support public sector innovation
  • Manage through digital and ecological transitions

    • Explore how AI enhances HR policies
    • Understand how digitalization impacts our skills and workplace
    • Design the civil service’s green transformation through workshops and practical case studies

The course includes a series of thematic and methodological inputs, enhanced by practical workshops. This approach encourages exchanges between participants and with trainers, allowing them to share their experiences. 

The participants assess the relevance of the course and teaching methodology through a questionnaire. A round table is also carried out at the end of training to establish collective feedback.


Any questions? Please contact us!

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