Risks and crisis management at the European and international levels

This course is dedicated to the development of methods and skills for risk prevention and crisis management. It aims at sharing best practices from a multidisciplinary perspective.

28 mars 2025
Crédit image | ©Institut national du service public (INSP)

In extreme emergency and crisis situations, professionals face a multitude of responsibilities and challenges. Given the complexity of current societal and institutional dynamics at the national, European, and international levels, it has become ever more important to adopt comprehensive approaches and specific behavioral attitudes to make decisions in crisis-dominated circumstances. This course is dedicated to the development of methods and skills for crisis prevention, crisis management and crisis communication.

Practical information and registration

Length | 5 days
Teaching language | English
Dates | December 1 to 5, 2025
Format of training | On-site
Level | Reinforcement
Venue | INSP, 2, avenue de l’Observatoire, 75006 Paris
Tuition fees | €1,470 for candidates without a French government grant

Target audience

Senior civil servants, private sector representatives, diplomats, spokespersons, professionals dealing with crisis prevention and crisis management, representatives of European institutions and international organizations.

This training, like all programs in our catalog of international short programs (Pic), is intended for executives affiliated with foreign (non-French) institutions. For more information, please refer to our registration procedures.


This training requires no prior educational prerequisites and is based on a voluntary approach.

Trainers’ profiles 

Senior civil servants, experts in negotiation and EU law, international experts in risk management and crisis prevention  at European and international levels

Training objectives

  • Acquire operational know-how on crisis management
  • Develop associated skills
  • Integrate a network of experts and share good practices


  • Acquire operational know-how on crisis management

    • Raise awareness of crisis management tools from a multidisciplinary perspective
    • Consolidate knowledge of risk prevention and crisis management in different contexts and settings
    • Develop understanding of emerging issues and concerns at the European and international levels
  • Develop associated skills

    • Develop interpersonal skills to make decisions in crisis-dominated circumstances
    • Develop skills in crisis communication
    • Develop ability to negotiate effectively
  • Integrate a network of experts and share good practices

    • Integrate a network of experts in crisis management, share experience and good practices among peers

This highly operational training combines expert presentations, case studies and simulation exercises.  This approach encourages exchanges between participants and with trainers, allowing them to share their experiences.

The relevance of the training and the teaching methodology is assessed by participants through a questionnaire. A roundtable is also conducted at the end of the training to establish collective feedback.


Any questions? Please contact us!

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